For the woman with breast cancer who wants to take back control and live without fear.


Hello and welcome

RESTORE More offers education to empower women experiencing breast cancer in remote areas, by raising awareness of the most current treatment options, including techniques to preserve the breast, as well as, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, while achieving the best chance for survival and quality living.

Our vision is to empower women to make the most informed treatment decisions and to live a quality life without fear through mindful living.

The problem

In Australia, like many areas in the world, regional women are more likely to be offered a mastectomy and less likely a breast reconstruction. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer have treatment options, including preservation of the breast. Many women and sometimes their health care provider make fear based treatment decisions versus an informed decision which may result in regret and fearful living.

Our vision

Our belief is that with knowledge, breast cancer patients become empowered to make better health treatment decisions; especially in areas with limited access and/or resources to cover their healthcare needs. We believe that all women should have the same treatment options, survival advantages and quality of life, regardless of their geographical location. This is where RESTORE More can help.

Informed and empowered

RESTORE More offers education to women in regional communities, regarding the most current breast cancer treatments. We provide funding for the education of breast care nurses located in regional areas, to support and empower breast cancer patients. Our fundraising efforts provide financial support for women who desire breast reconstruction, but lack private health funding and are ineligible for the public hospital waiting lists.

Community support

RESTORE More is proud to be supported by a loving community of women and men all over the world. Through fundraising events, RESTORE More is able to expand services throughout Australia and eventually the world. Check out our latest events to see how you can support RESTORE More.

Get in touch

If you would like to learn more, collaborate with us, find out more information about our events or have any others questions – feel free to contact us.